Aircraft Hire Terms
The following conditions have been set out by Point Cook Aviation for the purpose of the safe and efficient operation of VH-ESA aircraft.
Hirers utilising the aircraft are deemed to have agreed with the following conditions of hire and any other conditions subsequently set out by Point Cook Aviation:
The pilot certifies that his/her licence, medical certificate, ratings and endorsements are current and appropriate for the proposed flight.
The pilot holds a Private Pilot license or above and has a minimum of 25 hours on type.
The pilot shall, on each day of the hire period, check the aircraft's airworthiness by carrying out a thorough daily inspection of the aircraft and its accessories and check that the maintenance release shall remain current for the duration of the flight.
The pilot will carry all relevant documents including pilots licence, the maintenance release, flight manual, maps, charts, meteorological reports and NOTAMS legally required for the proposed flight.
The pilot will operate the aircraft within the limits approved in the flight manual and any other limits imposed by Point Cook Aviation.
The pilot will conduct the flight in accordance with the appropriate rules and procedures and comply with all CAR's, CAO's, NOTAM's and any other requirements issued by CASA and Point Cook Aviation.
The pilot will land only at licensed or approved airports, except in the case of an emergency. Approval to land at other than licensed aerodromes must be given by Point Cook Aviation.
The pilot agrees to report all accidents, major and minor, to Point Cook Aviation as soon as practically possible, together with the names and addresses of any witnesses or involved parties. Also the pilot will not move the aircraft in the event of an accident unless approved to do so by Point Cook Aviation.
It is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure that the aircraft is returned in a clean and tidy state after the period of hire. If the aircraft is found to have been left in a state other than described Point Cook Aviation reserves the right to charge a cleaning fee.
It is the responsibility of the hirer to report any defect that may render the aircraft unserviceable or unsafe for further operation to Point Cook Aviation as soon as practical after the defect is detected.
The hirer agrees to pay for the cost of the aircraft at the current hire rate at the time of hire and any other fees or charges accrued during the hire period. Such charges include landing fees etc, which may arrive at a later date.
The hirer acknowledges that smoking is not permitted in or around the aircraft at any time.
The aircraft is not to be refuelled with any person on board the aircraft. (CAO 20.9).
The hirer shall return the aircraft at the agreed time unless arrangements are made through Point Cook Aviation. If it seems the aircraft cannot be returned at the agreed time the hirer shall inform Point Cook Aviation so that adjustments with existing and conflicting bookings can be made. There must be a relevant reason given for the failure to return the aircraft at the agreed time.
The hirer shall return the aircraft to the location it was taken, ensuring that it is adequately restrained and safe.
If intending to park the aircraft at a location other than its regular location the hirer shall ensure that adequate tie down equipment is carried, the throttle lock is attached and the aircraft is secured and safe.
Point Cook Aviation reserves the right to recover the excess of the insurance policy for the aircraft and all associated costs including ferrying to and from repair location, loss of rental and insurance premium increases if it is found that the hirer was negligent.
If the aircraft cannot be returned at the specified time due to weather or any other circumstance other than unavoidable mechanical problems and the hirer needs to, and subsequently does, return to Point Cook or any other location, leaving the aircraft, the hirer agrees to pay for the recovery of the aircraft at the current hire rate.
The hirer agrees to pay for the cost difference between the aircraft base fuel price and enroute fuel price when refuelling at other aerodromes and the fuel price is greater.